2u Creative — Amy Morelli — Illustration — Branding — Graphic Design


This is what happens when a sense of humor and creative thinking meet.

InspirationAmy MorelliComment

As a creative professional in both the corporate and event markets, I am always looking out for other creatives to inspire me. The majority of people think that I can turn my creativity on and off like a switch. It's not quite like that. It's more like, my subconscious mind is always filing things away in mind to be called upon when I need them. Recording things I see, hear and touch in the world, then creating this mash up in my mind that I call I upon to aid in the development of my own ideas. This is what makes me better, makes me push the envelope and move out of my comfort zone. Seeing other creations, and how other creative thinkers view the world. This is what inspires my own work.

Well, this week something else got filed away in the mashup of my brain. This amazing commercial by Ikea, blends humor and creativity to create an engaging commercial! So well done I had to share! And of course the mockery of Apple commercials shows Ikea doesn't take themselves too seriously!